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Annual reports

The EBRAINS AISBL Annual Report provides an overview of the organisation's activities in the period.

Annual Report 2022-2023

The report opens with a message from Chairman André Syrota, which highlights the growing roster of EBRAINS members. It reviews the steps the organisation has taken to strengthening governance, notably the implementation of the National Node Board, the Science and Technology Committee, and the Ethics and Society Committee.

Annual Report 2021-2022

The report opens with messages from Chairman André Syrota and CEO Paweł Świeboda, which pick out important highlights, such as the inclusion of EBRAINS in the ESFRI Roadmap 2021. It reviews what EBRAINS aims to achieve and its current organisation, including initial steps towards the creation of the EBRAINS National Nodes. It describes the growing roster of EBRAINS members, as well as EBRAINS involvement in EU Projects and its role in coordinating the Human Brain Project. It discusses the scientific vision that EBRAINS aims to support, identifies members of key governance bodies and provides information on the organisation's finances.

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