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Open Calls

What are the EBRAINS 2.0 Open Calls?

EBRAINS is a collaborative digital European Research Infrastructure that enhances and accelerates progress in neuroscience and brain health.

Through open calls, new data and workflows will be integrated into EBRAINS to enhance the existing services and tools and thus foster innovation and collaboration, equal opportunities and ultimately accelerate the progress in the field of neuroscience and brain health. Additionally, workflows, models and simulations developed within the consortium will be tested and validated by external partners to strengthen use cases and scientific excellence.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be established in the EU Member States or Horizon Europe-Associated Countries.

Please note that beneficiary units in the EBRAINS 2.0 project will not be eligible to apply.

Where can I apply?

You can apply for the Open Calls via the EBRAINS Grant Platform. After creating a profile, you can submit a proposal via the online application platform. Be aware that you need to hand in many documents, so start on time. Only one proposal can be submitted per applicant.

Grant amount

Selected proposals are granted 60,000 EUR through the Financial Support to Third Parties funding scheme.

Call timeline

You can submit a proposal from October 1st 10:00 CET until the 2nd of December 14:00 CET. Proposal evaluation will take place from December – February. The selected proposal will be expected to start in March 2025. For contact, you can reach out to

Open Call

Integrating vascular architecture into the EBRAINS Human Brain Atlas

This call seeks to engage the scientific and research community to integrate models of the brain vascular tree with the human brain atlas in EBRAINS. We encourage submissions that bring in 3D reconstructions of the vessel tree from vascular images which can be spatially aligned to one of the reference template spaces provided by EBRAINS to combine them with the structural and functional parcellations in EBRAINS and link them to other findings such as structural and functional neuroimaging, cytoarchitectonics or molecular data. With the integration we aim to enhance the usability and accessibility of the vasculature models for neuroscientific studies, and further increase the clinical relevance of EBRAINS human brain atlas. The call focuses on integrating existing data with EBRAINS and does not support new data acquisitions. However, incoming datasets might require additional curation effort and adaptation of the metadata to be compatible with the existing infrastructure and might have to be adapted in collaboration with the EBRAINS consortium partner. A single proposal will be selected for funding.

Number of proposals to be funded: 1

Duration of project: 16 months

Link to call documents: you can find all the documents you need to submit a proposal here.

Past Calls

Integrating Spatial Omics Data into the EBRAINS Human Brain Atlas  

This call invites researchers to participate in a strategic initiative for the integration of spatial omics data resources with the Human Brain Atlas of EBRAINS to facilitate collaborative research in neuroimaging of healthy subjects and patients. It addresses institutions or research consortia who already collected measurements of such data at whole-brain level and seek to integrate them into a comprehensive atlas to increase the accessibility of their data, facilitate a more precise spatial localisation of omics data, and link them to other findings including structural and functional neuroimaging, cytoarchitectonics or molecular data. The envisioned data modalities include expressions of genes, proteins, or lipids, preferably with single-cell detail, that can be spatially aligned to one of the reference template spaces provided by EBRAINS. Sufficient availability of provenance information and image material for the underlying tissue samples is expected to realise adequate spatial anchoring. The integration shall complement the existing multimodal data features integrated with the human brain atlas in EBRAINS, thereby increasing the comprehensiveness and utility of the atlas, helping to advance our understanding of the brain, and provide reference data for studies in the field of brain medicine.  

Number of proposals to be funded: 1  

Duration of project: 18 months  

Link to call documents: you can find all the documents you need to submit a proposal here.  

Clinical Neuroscience  

We invite researchers in the field of clinical neuroscience to submit proposals for collaboration on Work Package 2 of the EBRAINS 2.0 research consortium: “Multimodal imaging data in healthy participants and clinical connectomes in focal, degenerative, and rare neurological disorders.” WP2 aims to create an infrastructure for the collection of clinical datasets that include imaging features (e.g., lesion maps, structural or functional brain features) as well as basic clinical and behavioural data.  

Consortium partners will (i) contribute datasets including imaging and clinical/behavioural data from patients with one or more of the following pathologies: stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and gliomas to a common database, and (ii) use the consortium’s clinical datasets to answer clinical research questions (e.g., as out-of-sample validation). 

Number of proposals to be funded: 2 

Duration of project: 18 months  

Link to call documents: you can find all the documents you need to submit a proposal here.  

Promoting the Neuroscientific Use of EBRAINS 2.0 Digital Brain Twins and Simulation Services   

This Call aims to promote the use of EBRAINS through the development of a convincing neuroscientific use case of the digital twin modelling framework. The successful applicant will use the standard brain models and EBRAINS workflows that are being developed and deployed, to respond to a challenge in brain medicine and advance understanding of brain structure and function. Such challenges may include the development of more effective treatments, new drugs, diagnostics, or preventive measures for neuro-psychiatric disorders. The successful applicant will interact with the scientists and developers of the EBRAINS 2.0 project in Work Package 3 (WP3) ‘Create digital twins through modelling and simulation‘ that develop ready-to-use brain model templates for the whole brain and its subsystems, integrated with other EBRAINS tools and services to support a wide range of scientific use case, and will provide feedback on the quality of tools and make suggestions for their improvement. They will also be able to integrate their own tools into the modelling and simulation workflows of WP3.   

Number of proposals to be funded:

Duration of project: 18 months  

Link to call documents: you can find all the documents you need to submit a proposal here.  

Recruiting Large Data Collections for FAIR Data Sharing and Analysis in EBRAINS 

This Call aims to make large neuroscience data collections findable, accessible, interoperable, re-usable and interpretable through the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure. We invite institutions or research consortia that have collected research data from one or more projects to share their data and related metadata through the EBRAINS Data and Knowledge services, thereby actively contributing to the open science movement. The anticipated data modalities encompass those currently incorporated in the existing version of the . Priority will be given to large data collections from experimental rodent brain research or human brain (healthy or with brain disorders), including data derived from structural and functional microscopy (e.g., voltage-sensitive dye imaging, intrinsic signal optical imaging, two-photon/multi-photon imaging), MRI, PET, EEG and electrophysiology, spanning from cellular to system levels. The shared datasets should have well-organized metadata according to the openMINDS metadata standard. The datasets should be compatible for analysis using EBRAINS tools and services, and/or external widely used analysis pipelines that are not yet integrated into EBRAINS. 

Number of proposals to be funded:

Duration of project: 12 months 

Link to call documents: you can find all the documents you need to submit a proposal here.  

The EBRAINS 2.0 project has received funding from the European Union's Research and Innovation Program Horizon Europe under Grant Agreement No. 101147319.

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