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The formal establishment of EBRAINS BELGIUM as a consortium and an EBRAINS National Node is currently in process. To date, UHasselt currently acts as the Full Member within Belgium. 

The Belgian members of EBRAINS AISBL excel in imaging/EEG analyses, atlasing, modeling and sensitive data handling. Together, we strive towards laying the foundations for EBRAINS BELGIUM to become part of a pan-European open state-of-the-art distributed Research Infrastructure (RI) that fosters collaborative brain science, opens the way to ground-breaking discovery in neuroscience, and aims to aid to secure Europe’s leading position in the dynamically growing field of multidisciplinary brain research and its exploitation. Moreover, training, professional development, and community building will become key in our portfolio, since a robust, high-quality EBRAINS BELGIUM training platform will:

  • Increase the impact and visibility of the RI
  • Set the scene for more intensive international collaborations
  • Catalyze and support the (self-)training of researchers
  • Increase the impact of future EBRAINS BELGIUM services
  • Facilitate scientific excellence

EBRAINS BELGIUM aspires to foster interactions between all Belgian Universities, co-developing and using tools that can be used across species, including healthy humans, patients, and animals. 

Do you have any questions about the Belgium node? Please submit your question and email address below.

Belgium Organisations

  • Hasselt University

    University Of Hasselt Logo
  • Ghent University

    Ghent University Logo
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Logo
  • Universiteit Antwerpen

    Universiteit Antwerpen Logo
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel

    Vrije Universiteit Brussel Logo
  • University of Louvain

    University of Louvain logo
  • University of Liège

    University of Liège logo
  • Université de Mons

    Université de Mons logo
  • Université Libre de Bruxelles

    Université Libre de Bruxelles logo

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