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Collaborative Brain Wave Analysis Pipeline

Cobrawap is an adaptable and reusable analysis pipeline for the multi-scale, multi-methodology analysis of cortical wave activity.

  • Cobrawap is a snakemake workflow to calculate statistics of spatial wave-like activity patterns in neuronal data
  • Cobrawap has a modular design that supports a high level of configuaration to accommodate different data and research questions
  • Cobrawap re-used, as much as possible, analysis components across different data modalities (calcium imagaing, ECoG, LFP, spikes,...) to increase the rigor in inferring across heterogeneous datasets, and allow comparisons of methods from different neuroscience sub-communities

The pipeline ingests data from multiple measurement types of spatially organized neuronal activity, such as ECoG or calcium imaging recordings. The pipeline returns statistical measures to quantify the dynamic wave-like activity patterns found in the data. Individual parts of the snakemake-based pipeline are fully configurable. The composition of Cobrawap elements can be adapted to various datasets through by means of a modular design of self-contained sequential stages composed of multiple atomic blocks.

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