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Factorisation-based Image Labelling

Rationale The approach assumes that segmented (into GM, WM and background) images have been aligned, so does not require the additional complexity of a convolutional approach. The use of segmented images is to make the approach less dependent on the particular image contrasts so it generalises better to a wider variety of brain scans. The approach assumes that there are only a relatively small number of labelled images, but many images that are unlabelled. It therefore uses a semi-supervised learning approach, with an underlying Bayesian generative model that has relatively few weights to learn. Model The approach is patch based. For each patch, a set of basis functions model both the (categorical) image to label, and the corresponding (categorical) label map. A common set of latent variables control the two sets of basis functions, and the results are passed through a softmax so that the model encodes the means of a multinouli distribution (Böhning, 1992; Khan et al, 2010). Continuity over patches is achieved by modelling the probability of the latent variables within each patch conditional on the values of the latent variables in the six adjacent patches, which is a type of conditional random field (Zhang et al, 2015; Brudfors et al, 2019). This model (with Wishart priors) gives the prior mean and covariance of a Gaussian prior over the latent variables of each patch. Patches are updated using an iterative red-black checkerboard scheme. Labelling After training, labelling a new image is relatively fast because optimising the latent variables can be formulated within a scheme similar to a recurrent Res-Net (He et al, 2016)."

Modelling and simulation


fairgraph is a Python library for working with metadata in the HBP/EBRAINS Knowledge Graph, with a particular focus on data reuse, although it is also useful in metadata registration/curation. The basic idea of the library is to represent metadata nodes from the Knowledge Graph as Python objects. Communication with the Knowledge Graph service is through a client object, for which an access token associated with an EBRAINS account is needed.



The Fiber Architecture Simulation Toolbox for PLI (fastpli) is a toolbox for polarized light imaging (PLI) with three main purposes: Sandbox - designing of nerve fiber models: The first module allows the user to create different types of nerve fiber bundles and additionally fill them with individual nerve fibers. * Details * Tutorial Solver - generating collision free models: The second module takes as input a configuration of nerve fibers and checks them for spatial collisions. Since nerve fibers cannot overlap in reality, one must ensure that the models follow the same rules. The solver module implements a simple algorithm that checks for collisions and, if it finds any, pushes the colliding segments of the fibers slightly apart. This is repeated until all collisions are solved. * Details * Tutorial Simulation - simulation of 3D-Polarized Light Imaging: The simulation module enables the simulation of 3D Polarized Light Imaging (3D-PLI). This is a microscopic technique that allows the polarization change of light moving through a brain section to be measured. Due to the birefringence property of the myelin surrounding the nerve fibers, the polarization state changes. This change enables the calculation of the 3d orientation of the nerve fibers in the brain slice. * Details * Tutorial

Feature Extraction Graphical User Interface

The Feature Extraction Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a web application that allows users to extract an ensemble of electrophysiological properties from voltage traces recorded upon electrical stimulation of neuronal cells. The main outcome of the application is the generation of two files - features.json and protocol.json - that can be used for later model parameter optimizations.

Modelling and simulation


This library is meant to be a light-weight Python library that handles functional alignment tasks. It is compatible with and inspired from Nilearn. Alternative implementations of these ideas can be found in the pymvpa or brainiak packages.



Preprocessing of functional MRI (fMRI) involves numerous steps to clean and standardize the data before statistical analysis. Generally, researchers create ad hoc preprocessing workflows for each dataset, building upon a large inventory of available tools. The complexity of these workflows has snowballed with rapid advances in acquisition and processing. fMRIPrep is an analysis-agnostic tool that addresses the challenge of robust and reproducible preprocessing for task-based and resting fMRI data. fMRIPrep automatically adapts a best-in-breed workflow to the idiosyncrasies of virtually any dataset, ensuring high-quality preprocessing without manual intervention. fMRIPrep robustly produces high-quality results on diverse fMRI data. Additionally, fMRIPrep introduces less uncontrolled spatial smoothness than observed with commonly used preprocessing tools. fMRIPrep equips neuroscientists with an easy-to-use and transparent preprocessing workflow, which can help ensure the validity of inference and the interpretability of results. The workflow is based on Nipype and encompases a large set of tools from well-known neuroimaging packages, including [FSL](<, ANTs, FreeSurfer, AFNI, and Nilearn. This pipeline was designed to provide the best software implementation for each state of preprocessing, and will be updated as newer and better neuroimaging software becomes available. fMRIPrep performs basic preprocessing steps (coregistration, normalization, unwarping, noise component extraction, segmentation, skullstripping etc.) providing outputs that can be easily submitted to a variety of group level analyses, including task-based or resting-state fMRI, graph theory measures, surface or volume-based statistics, etc. fMRIPrep allows you to easily do the following: Take fMRI data from unprocessed (only reconstructed) to ready for analysis. Implement tools from different software packages. Achieve optimal data processing quality by using the best tools available. Generate preprocessing-assessment reports, with which the user can easily identify problems. Receive verbose output concerning the stage of preprocessing for each subject, including meaningful errors. Automate and parallelize processing steps, which provides a significant speed-up from typical linear, manual processing.


Frites - Framework for information theoretical analysis of electrophysiological data and statistics

Frites allows the characterisation of task-related cognitive brain networks. Neural correlates of cognitive functions can be extracted both at the single brain area (or channel) and network level. The toolbox includes time-resolved directed (e.g., Granger causality) and undirected (e.g., Mutual Information) Functional Connectivity metrics. In addition, it includes cluster-based and permutation-based statistical methods for single-subject and group-level inference.

Validation and inference


Classifies the given interneuron morphology into one of the 7 possible classes. The model has been trained with layer L2/3 to layer L6 interneurons and thus only interneurons from those layers are allowed as input.


Among fiber tracking methods, spin glass tractography approaches propose an efficient framework to perform a global optimization of the inference of the structural brain connectivity from diffusion MRI HARDI or HYDI dataset. In addition, spin-glass based global tractography allows to add further regularization potentials to better constrain the energy landscape using anatomical or microstructural priors and thus help discard false positives. The proposed global tractography tools allows to compute from any diffusion MRI dataset a dense tractogram of virtual white matter fibers, under the constraint of a bending energy ensuring low curvature of fibres and robust inference of fibers in regions depicting several fiber populations (kissings, crossings, splittings), of anatomical prior (pial surface to drive the ending of fibers), and of microstructural priors (like the intraxonal volume fraction or the orientation dispersion of fibers, to allow sharp turns of fibres when connecting to the cortical ribbon).

DataValidation and inference


Ginkgo/MEDUSA (Microstructure Environment Designer Using Sphere Atoms) is a HPC compatible simulation tool that allows an all-in one simulation of brain tissue microstructure and their diffusion MRI signal relying on 3 simulation features: Simulation of realistic geometries representing cell membranes populating brain gray and white matters to create virtual tissues using a generative approach called MEDUSA, Simulation of the diffusion process of water molecules present within tissues using a Monte-Carlo approach,Simulation of the attenuation of the diffusion MRI signal for any tuning of a diffusion-weighted MRI pulse sequence (Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo, Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo, Abritrary Gradient Spin Echo, ….). The Ginkgo/MEDUSA tool is dedicated to the development of computational models of brain tissue microstructure in order to go beyond existing analytical models known to be limited to accurately represent the complexity of brain cellular environments

Modelling and simulation


The Glycine Receptor Allosteric Ligand Library (GRALL) is the first database of allosteric modulators of a synaptic receptor with structural annotation.


This library implements Cartesian genetic programming (e.g, Miller and Thomson, 2000; Miller, 2011) for symbolic regression in pure Python, targeting applications with expensive fitness evaluations. It provides Python data structures to represent and evolve two-dimensional directed graphs (genotype) that are translated into computational graphs (phenotype) implementing mathematical expressions. The computational graphs can be compiled as Python functions, SymPy expressions (Meurer et al., 2017) or PyTorch modules (Paszke et al., 2017). The library currently implements an evolutionary algorithm, specifically (mu + lambda) evolution strategies adapted from Deb et al. (2002), to evolve a population of symbolic expressions in order to optimize an objective function.

Data analysis and visualisation


An HTTP backend for transforming coordinates and data between the core template spaces of the HBP. The cross-template transformations are diffeomorphisms, which are computed based on the alignment of the folding pattern across the different brains (DISCO method) and maximization of the grey–white matter segmentation overlap (DARTEL).


The foundation for the EBRAINS HealthDataCloud is an existing GDPR compliant and EBRAINS interoperableVirtual Research Environment (VRE)– located at the Charité - that provides a secure and scalable data platform enabling multi-institutional research teams to store, share and analyze complex multi-modal health datasets.



Data recorded with intracerebral EEG (iEEG) electrodes in patients are notoriously hard to navigate through and synthetize, because of the high spatial variability and sparsity of the recordings. The HiBoP software is the first of its kind to allow conveniently the visualization and manipulation of multimodal data (iEEG, as well as fMRI, PET …) both at the individual level and at the group level (up to 200 and more).

Data analysis and visualisation


This package contains validation tests for models of hippocampus, based on the SciUnit framework and the NeuronUnit package. As in SciUnit, in HippoUnit tests four main classes are implemented: the Test class, the Model class, the Capabilities class and the Score class. The tests of HippoUnit automatically run simulations on single-cell models that mimic the electrophysiological protocol from which the target experimental data were derived. Then the behavior of the model is evaluated and quantitatively compared to the experimental data using various feature-based error functions. Current tests cover somatic behavior and signal propagation and integration in apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell models.

Validation and inference

Hodgkin Huxley Neuron Builder

The Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Builder implements a Use Case of the Brain Simulation Platform. It allows the user to interactively go through the entire cell model building pipeline. The workflow consists of three steps: 1) electrophysiological feature extraction from voltage traces; 2) model parameter optimization; 3) in silico experiments using the optimized model cell. The user is provided with a friendly interface enabling to interact with both the HBP Collaboratory storage and the High Performance Computing (HPC) resources. The application has been built in a flexible way to allow the user to enter the workflow at any desired step, by either interacting with HBP resources or uploading his own files.

Modelling and simulation

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